To be of the world or IN THE WORLD
Image from Dragon Dreaming Festival 2015
Summer festivals are about to kick off again here in Australia! My year has been a year full of touring festivals across Indonesia, Europe and now getting ready for the Summer season back home in Aus..
For me festivals are a great reminder of the freedom and flow available to us when we can be in this dance of life with a sense of playfulness, curiosity and celebration...
Rather than being a limited product of our situation/circumstances/roles/etc.. festivals can provide a space for us to reflect on and even recreate HOW we want to be IN the world..
I am reminded of words I've heard my teacher Gwyn Williams speak:
"to be of the world, or IN THE WORLD?"
Since fishing high school I've been living a travellers lifestyle. It wasn't long until I realised that no matter where I was, or which friendship circle or family I was a part of, or which kind of job I had... the same old issues/discomforts/annoyances were surfacing for me. For a while I continued to point my finger out from my self assuming "that" must be the reason why I feel this... the friends, work mates, job, culture, society, etc... That over there outside from me, that has to be the reason why I feel this same old discomfort... Until one day I woke up.
One day I woke up and realised, oh.. the common denominator in all my problems.. it's me.
What a relief to realise that I have the power to experience the outside world from a place of contracted judgement or fear, or from a place of honesty, trust and even acceptance. I have the power to offer supportive qualities of myself to the world, rather than expecting everything to suit me and then feeling disappointed when it doesn't.
I realised that it could be an inside-out story, rather than the out-side dictating my inner world story...
To be of the world, or IN THE WORLD?
As the silly summer season falls upon us here in Australia, I invite you to consider how you are being in the world. Is the way you are being aligned with the kind of world you wish to create around yourself? It's always worth it to give ourselves the spaciousness to reflect and recreate HOW we want to BE IN the world.
For information on upcoming festivals with Sally please check out my UPCOMING EVENTS