AcroYoga Festonia


Wild berries, lush green farmlands, old log house, mossy roofs, real butter with homemade pumpernickel bread, sauna house, inspiring and colourful people from all over the world, big strong Lithuanian guys, oh yeah..and acroyoga! These things combined with lots and LOTS of heart make up this annual AcroYoga gathering in Estonia. I was very stoked to be a part of the teacher crew again this year, and to reunite with my dear friends, the founders and organisers: Silver and Ester.

The overall theme of the festival was to ORGANISE and EXPRESS. And after a lot of pre festival organisation, the teaching team were sure ready to EXPRESS their classes to the participants! 

"Meeting the other in the Unknown" was one of my workshops where we explored what it is to come together in a state of curiosity and presence in acrobatic relationship. The workshop focus was to discover what is necessary in creating freedom in improvised partner acrobatic expression. We realised that if freedom had wings, those wings grew stronger with the following ingredients: an understanding of our alignment and technique, slow and subtle movements, the ability to tune into the other and meet them, a sense of curiosity and play, and TRUST. With the right amount of organisation in our self, we created the foundations from which to safely explore freedom of our acrobatic expression together with our partners/groups. Without that foundation and intelligence behind what we were doing, exploring freedom was a rocky and unsafe road.. one which we may never find our way back from!

As we explored these things in our acrobatic improvised practice, many of us could see how these concepts could also support our sense of freedom in other aspects of life.

Of course we can never really know what is about to occur.. Every step forwards is an opportunity for us to meet the UNKNOWN. Over time we can build an understanding of the lifestyle choices that support us in feeling balanced and aligned. We can quieten ourselves from distractions and tune in to the subtleties around us. A wise person once said, "If you must hurry, then hurry slowly." Rather than becoming fixated or rigid in our ideas or ways of doings things, we can remain open to meeting whatever life has in store as best we can. Injecting an innocent and curious nature here can certainly help! Rather than contracting or reacting against the sometimes daunting UKNOWN, we can remember to breathe and move forward from a place TRUST.

So how are you facing the unknown TODAY? What can you call upon in setting yourself up with good foundations from which you can move forwards into FREEDOM from a place of TRUST?

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