Total... Aries Full Moon... Eclipse of the HEART
Go outside, plant your feet in the earth, and feeeeeel the energy!
Tonight's eclipse is the the second of four lunar eclipses for 2014-2015. This pattern is known as a tetrad, and is a very rare occurrence.
The last luna eclipse was in April this year.. Sara Angelus and I were working with Hayley Tennyson at her place in Guatemala - The Yoga Forest. My blog post: My Time at the Yoga Forest describes our experience at that time pretty well!
It was a time of intensity with inner challenges being brought up to the surface. The magic of the April eclipse inspired me and the people around me to really questioning our own truth, values and direction in life... The Yoga Forest held us supportively in her care as we delved deep into ourselves and moved through the friction and personal challenges.
Now, 6 months later, I'm in Melbourne Australia. I feel very much connected to and clear about my truth. However, there are definitely personal challenges I'm facing, and I'm feeling the friction!
What will this full moon eclipse in Aries bring? Lena from offers this advice advice: This is truly an intense and possibly highly emotional time that will trigger and push everything to the edge and beyond. Instead of retreating or freezing up in fear and terror, go out and become part of the storm. Harness the tremendous energy that has the potential to feed your creativity and dreams in ways you could never have imagined.
Being full moon in the fire sign - Aries. I am going to take this opportunity to watch my fire. Fire is always transformational in it's nature. Out of balance, it becomes agitated, ferocious, out of control and destructive. When harnessed it can be used to motivate, activate and empower! I'm choosing to face this potentially transformational time from a place of action and empowerment.
From Melbourne, if the sky is clear enough we will be able to see the eclipse from about 730pm-1130pm tonight. It will peak just before 10pm. An article from Australian Geographic gives good information on the eclipse for those in Australia: go to the article!
The featured image on this post is from the "unusual moon phases" album on Check out his photography work, it's beautiful! To go directly to the moon phase album follow this link: