A four day workshop in Zenthai bodywork and herbal applications for the menstrual phases. Facilitated by Sally Meredith Lily Aagren at the Shed-Dojo venue in Beaconsfield VIC.
October 20th-23rd, 2022
830am-430pm each day
Join Sally Meredith, lead facilitator of the Zenthai movement in Melbourne, and Lily of Herbs, an herbalist and bodyworker, in a four day training on how to harmonise the menstrual cycle with bodywork and herbs.
Designed for already practicing Zenthai therapists, bodyworkers who are wanting to tailor their sessions for menstruating clients, and those wanting to optimise hormonal and physical wellbeing.
This course is also open to enthusiasts wishing to deepen their understanding of wellness within the menstrual cycle, for themselves and or their loved ones.
You will walk away with tailored bodywork sequences for each quarter of the menstrual cycle, lifestyle and movement practices and an understanding of herbal remedies and their actions for each season.
Giving and receiving multiple bodywork sessions.
Understanding and confidence in working with the menstruation cycle.
Four Zenthai bodywork sequences for each season.
Four movement practices for each menstrual phase.
Abdominal massage.
Information and practice in applying therapeutic herbs including: moxibustion for the womb, perineal steaming, poultices, the art of herbal tea.
Manual and Moon Cycle Zenthai Certificate.
Connecting with like hearted others.
Unpacking the menstrual cycle, breaking down hormone responses and physiological functions.
Common conditions of the womb and menstrual cycle, e.g. Endometriosis, PCOS, heavy menstrual bleeding, Amenorrhea and Dysmenorrhea.
Contraindications for bodywork. When to refer.
How to optimise hormonal and emotional health throughout the cycle with specific herbs and lifestyle practices and bodywork.
You will leave nourished, balanced and in tune with the cyclic nature of life as it applies to menstrual cycle, which is a microcosm of the larger human experience.
$555 includes herbs, manual and morning tea.
CONTACT: cc: sally@zenmoves.yoga and lilyoftheherbs@gmail.com
FIRSTLY: Complete this google booking form linked here:
https://forms.gle/mbRA7W3mcsUxv1a47SECONDLY: Make your course payment to the follow account:
BSB: 484-799
Account number: 201884794
Reference: Your full name
Amount: $555
You'll receive a confirmation email and receipt.
A little more about the four days:
Venue is in our Shed Dojo in Beaconsfield (about 50mins South East of Melbourne CBD)
Morning tea refreshments are included (herbal teas and fresh fruit)
BYO lunch - there is a communal kitchen onsite.
Basic options to camp onsite for $15 per night donation. Email sally@zenmoves.yoga for bookings.
Otherwise check airbnb options in Beaconsfield/Berwick/Officer areas.
We will send a group email connecting the class closer to the date. - with what to bring/prepare for an enriching time together.
We highly encourage you to create spaciousness in your evenings during the immersion, to support yourself in absorbing the content and honouring the transformation that takes place.
"Let us remember ourselves back to the wild soul. Let us sing her flesh back onto our bones."
~Clarissa Pinkola Estes